Good post by Brother Gregg Jackson on the subject of Biblical Eternal Security vs 'Calvinistic Eternal Security'
"Calvinists all claim to believe in eternal security (OSAS) & teach you can't lose your salvation IF you "truly believed" which of course is (according to them) determined by your fruit, works, how much you sin, habitual sins etc...
CALVINIST Eternal Security is FAR different from BIBLICAL Eternal Security which GUARANTEES every born again believer is Eternally Saved, Sealed, Sanctified & Secure the INSTANT they trust in Christ alone as savior (by believing The Gospel) regardless of how they may live SUBSEQUENT to being born again.
A born again believer SHOULD live lives (as empowered by The Holy Spirit) that are holy, righteous and set apart unto The Lord.
But it is neither a REQUIREMENT for salvation nor EVIDENCE of "genuine salvation."
Many works salvationists (Calvinist/Lordshippers & Arminians) call this (as a pejorative) "easy believism," "greasy grace" and "giving people a license to sin."
But it's what The Bible says is true...
Salvation is either a FREE GIFT procured and realized by faith ALONE in Jesus Christ ALONE the very NANOSECOND a person believes or it's not.
"Calvinists all claim to believe in eternal security (OSAS) & teach you can't lose your salvation IF you "truly believed" which of course is (according to them) determined by your fruit, works, how much you sin, habitual sins etc...
CALVINIST Eternal Security is FAR different from BIBLICAL Eternal Security which GUARANTEES every born again believer is Eternally Saved, Sealed, Sanctified & Secure the INSTANT they trust in Christ alone as savior (by believing The Gospel) regardless of how they may live SUBSEQUENT to being born again.
A born again believer SHOULD live lives (as empowered by The Holy Spirit) that are holy, righteous and set apart unto The Lord.
But it is neither a REQUIREMENT for salvation nor EVIDENCE of "genuine salvation."
Many works salvationists (Calvinist/Lordshippers & Arminians) call this (as a pejorative) "easy believism," "greasy grace" and "giving people a license to sin."
But it's what The Bible says is true...
Salvation is either a FREE GIFT procured and realized by faith ALONE in Jesus Christ ALONE the very NANOSECOND a person believes or it's not.
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