The 5 foolish went into the trib.
They all died.
Unless the bible is incorrect that all take the mark.
They all died.
Unless the bible is incorrect that all take the mark.
Where is the on-ramp to your highway of circular reasoning here?
What I am looking for is some verse or passages that actually teaches a pre-trib rapture. I look at Revelation, and there is no mention of the church being raptured before all this stuff happens.
And there is plenty of strong evidence for believing we are waiting for one return of Jesus. For example, the church is present in II Thessalonians 1 to receive rest when Christ returns executing vengence on them that know not God when He returns to be glorified in the saints. How can that be spun into pre-trib? I have heard people just assume pre-trib and try to interpret II Thessalonians 2 through that rubric, but there is nothing internal in the text that supports it.
in fact, if we look at I Thessalonians 4, the church is raptured at our Lord Jesus coming, 'parousia'. In II Thessalonians 2, that wicked is destroyed at the brightness of Jesus' parousia.
If the church is going to be here when the man of sin is destroyed, how in the world can that fit with a pre-trib rapture scenario.
in Matthew 24, the sign of the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven and the gathering together of the elect happens AFTER the great tribulation. Why should I try to reinterpret the verse to fit with some kind of pre-trib scenario when no pre-trib rapture shows up in the sequence of events there? There is no mention of a rapture there before the great tribulation of those days. Where is the scripture that teaches it?
So why should I believe in pre-trib when there is no passage that teaches it, and direct evidence against the idea-- evidence like the church being here when Jesus gets back, both the church being resurrected and raptured at the coming of the Lord and also that wicked being destroyed at the brightness of His coming?
Can you show me the passage that shows a pre-trib rapture happening before Jesus comes back, Jesus coming back twice, or anything that could be rightlyi construed as a passage that actually teaches pre-trib?
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