7seasrekeyed said:
Yes, all believers are sealed with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). The book of Acts is a transitional book. Prior to Pentecost, believers did not yet receive the indwelling Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39). After Pentecost, at times, the receiving of the Holy Spirit was delayed until the apostles laid hands on them (exception, not the rule - Acts 8:17; 19:6). This seems to have caused much confusion. The Mormons have turned laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit into the rule for today. My wife grew up in the RLDS church (similar to LDS) and they did the same.
ok. you say you do not see where the Holy Spirit is received as in 'Baptism' ...( John said Jesus would baptize with fire and this is what he meant by that. folks here seem to think it is obligatory to leave that out...inconvenient truth etc IMO'...) but actually you have it all figured out that folks were saved WITHOUT the Holy Spirit and where does that happen? ummm? never? you seem to agree that we are sealed with the Spirit of God upon conversion but you do not acknowledge that the Holy Spirit came a different way on the day of Pentecost to those gathered in the upper room. you dismiss it and say they had not received the Holy Spirit yet...which means they were not really saved
that doesn't sound just a little bit off color some how? they were saved. they believed in Jesus...what does the Bible say? seems to say that salvation is belief in Jesus (meaning all His work etc for us and the fact He is our High Priest etc etc) so you are actually saying no one saved in the Upper Room? they could not be without the Holy Spirit
what was the purpose of the Holy Spirit descending then? well if they were not saved, then the purpose of the Holy Spirit descending on those in the upper room must have HAD to have been to CONVICT them of sin so they would accept Jesus.
that is logic and scripture.
but that is not what happened. what happened was the fulfillment of the prophecy by John that Jesus would baptize with fire...a symbol of the Holy Spirit. people (well some anyway) confuse this baptism with a general experience everyone has but they do not all have this experience because many do not believe in it!
not to be rude or anything, but what does where you wife grew up, or whatever experience she or anyone else that is NOT scriptural, have to do with actual scripture?
witches and other variant demonic cults speak in tongues and that does what exactly? makes the Bible wrong somehow? (I realize that is not what you are saying, but you are not in accord with scripture. THEY WERE ALREADY SAVED IN THE UPPER ROOM. either that, or the Holy Spirit convicted them to be saved. LOGIC. no other way or explanation.
some of these excuses people relate sound more like the spies who gave a negative report to Moses
I don't believe that ALL Pentecostals believe they are elite, yet there are certain people within Pentecostal circles who speak in tongues and act superior to believers who do not speak in tongues and yet certain others within Pentecostal circles believe that unless you speak in tongues you will not be saved. I know former Pentecostals who have left certain Pentecostal churches because of that kind of nonsense (including my older brother) but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.
oh gee that's nice. let's just keep talking about how folks do not follow scriptural instruction and make excuses. excuses are not reasons. I'm not Pentecostal nor am I Charismatic. my background is probably more anti-tongues and gifts then most since I was taught they are not only not for today but also not God. I wasn't looking for reasons or excuses. but I do have my own mind and I can read and the Bible said something different then what I was taught
as far as people acting superior goes, there are thousands of saved and satisfied cessationists who look down their noses at those who are not cessationist. have you seen some of the renderings in this forum addressed to those who speak in tongues? the arrogance and smugness is over the top and yet they think nothing of it. MacArthur leads the way there and is arrogance personified
please. let's not focus on what is wrong about Christians anywhere and everywhere cause they come in all sizes and beliefs
I don't see in scripture where baptism with the Holy Spirit happens under two separate occasions. I see where ALL believers are baptized by one Spirit into one body (1 Corinthians 12:13) and certain believers are "filled" with the Holy Spirit to accomplish specific tasks, as we saw at Pentecost when they began to speak in other tongues and those listening heard them speak in their own language.
I just showed you in scripture where it is TWO DISTINCT things that occur regarding the Holy Spirit. but if you want to think that no one was saved, which is nonsense, then you will continue to say only one thing occurs. later on, I'm going to include more on this, but I have other things on the menu today too and better get to them
Do you mean "filled" with the Holy Spirit as they were in Acts 2:4?
do you really think that is what I mean? come on. really? we should be way past that. I certainly am.
I believe in miracles today, yet there are also counterfeit movements and deception. We need to be discerning.
well you can't be as discerning as you need to be without the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. which occurs either with salvation at times or later. it is not salvation. it is empowerment which is what the Bible states it is and Jesus said it was and John the Baptist said was coming. and is in fact here now and has been since Peter stood up and witnessed for his Savior
Becoming born again is a supernatural experience, along with living the Christian life, which is not without supernatural intervention, yet there are also counterfeit movements out there.
oh poof
believe in a God you cannot see and His Son who shed His blood for you which you believe because someone wrote about it and you have EXPERIENCED the truth in your own life, but refuse what others have experienced and make excuses about discernment (the paradoxical implications there are staggering but I digress) and mumble something about supernatural intervention. (generic yous .. not meaning you only or even you personally)
sounds like a hit and miss to me. (yes a little of that sarcastic humor at the end there. but no ill intent. just a bit of a slap and hey ho wake up!)

Yes, all believers are sealed with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). The book of Acts is a transitional book. Prior to Pentecost, believers did not yet receive the indwelling Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39). After Pentecost, at times, the receiving of the Holy Spirit was delayed until the apostles laid hands on them (exception, not the rule - Acts 8:17; 19:6). This seems to have caused much confusion. The Mormons have turned laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit into the rule for today. My wife grew up in the RLDS church (similar to LDS) and they did the same.
ok. you say you do not see where the Holy Spirit is received as in 'Baptism' ...( John said Jesus would baptize with fire and this is what he meant by that. folks here seem to think it is obligatory to leave that out...inconvenient truth etc IMO'...) but actually you have it all figured out that folks were saved WITHOUT the Holy Spirit and where does that happen? ummm? never? you seem to agree that we are sealed with the Spirit of God upon conversion but you do not acknowledge that the Holy Spirit came a different way on the day of Pentecost to those gathered in the upper room. you dismiss it and say they had not received the Holy Spirit yet...which means they were not really saved
that doesn't sound just a little bit off color some how? they were saved. they believed in Jesus...what does the Bible say? seems to say that salvation is belief in Jesus (meaning all His work etc for us and the fact He is our High Priest etc etc) so you are actually saying no one saved in the Upper Room? they could not be without the Holy Spirit
what was the purpose of the Holy Spirit descending then? well if they were not saved, then the purpose of the Holy Spirit descending on those in the upper room must have HAD to have been to CONVICT them of sin so they would accept Jesus.
that is logic and scripture.
but that is not what happened. what happened was the fulfillment of the prophecy by John that Jesus would baptize with fire...a symbol of the Holy Spirit. people (well some anyway) confuse this baptism with a general experience everyone has but they do not all have this experience because many do not believe in it!
not to be rude or anything, but what does where you wife grew up, or whatever experience she or anyone else that is NOT scriptural, have to do with actual scripture?
witches and other variant demonic cults speak in tongues and that does what exactly? makes the Bible wrong somehow? (I realize that is not what you are saying, but you are not in accord with scripture. THEY WERE ALREADY SAVED IN THE UPPER ROOM. either that, or the Holy Spirit convicted them to be saved. LOGIC. no other way or explanation.
some of these excuses people relate sound more like the spies who gave a negative report to Moses
I don't believe that ALL Pentecostals believe they are elite, yet there are certain people within Pentecostal circles who speak in tongues and act superior to believers who do not speak in tongues and yet certain others within Pentecostal circles believe that unless you speak in tongues you will not be saved. I know former Pentecostals who have left certain Pentecostal churches because of that kind of nonsense (including my older brother) but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.
oh gee that's nice. let's just keep talking about how folks do not follow scriptural instruction and make excuses. excuses are not reasons. I'm not Pentecostal nor am I Charismatic. my background is probably more anti-tongues and gifts then most since I was taught they are not only not for today but also not God. I wasn't looking for reasons or excuses. but I do have my own mind and I can read and the Bible said something different then what I was taught
as far as people acting superior goes, there are thousands of saved and satisfied cessationists who look down their noses at those who are not cessationist. have you seen some of the renderings in this forum addressed to those who speak in tongues? the arrogance and smugness is over the top and yet they think nothing of it. MacArthur leads the way there and is arrogance personified
please. let's not focus on what is wrong about Christians anywhere and everywhere cause they come in all sizes and beliefs
I don't see in scripture where baptism with the Holy Spirit happens under two separate occasions. I see where ALL believers are baptized by one Spirit into one body (1 Corinthians 12:13) and certain believers are "filled" with the Holy Spirit to accomplish specific tasks, as we saw at Pentecost when they began to speak in other tongues and those listening heard them speak in their own language.
I just showed you in scripture where it is TWO DISTINCT things that occur regarding the Holy Spirit. but if you want to think that no one was saved, which is nonsense, then you will continue to say only one thing occurs. later on, I'm going to include more on this, but I have other things on the menu today too and better get to them
Do you mean "filled" with the Holy Spirit as they were in Acts 2:4?
do you really think that is what I mean? come on. really? we should be way past that. I certainly am.
I believe in miracles today, yet there are also counterfeit movements and deception. We need to be discerning.
well you can't be as discerning as you need to be without the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. which occurs either with salvation at times or later. it is not salvation. it is empowerment which is what the Bible states it is and Jesus said it was and John the Baptist said was coming. and is in fact here now and has been since Peter stood up and witnessed for his Savior
Becoming born again is a supernatural experience, along with living the Christian life, which is not without supernatural intervention, yet there are also counterfeit movements out there.
oh poof
sounds like a hit and miss to me. (yes a little of that sarcastic humor at the end there. but no ill intent. just a bit of a slap and hey ho wake up!)
Way too much finger pointing and misunderstanding going on with others.
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