do you enjoy being a billboard for Calvinists?
we do not all hate Christ before salvation. I was 5 years old and had never heard of God or anything to do with the Bible, yet when I did hear in Sunday School, I went home and thought about it and prayed and God clearly showed me He heard me and so I accepted Christ.
5 years old. I did not hate anything except bedtime and peas.
You evidently were already quickened by God some time before you were 5 years old.
Do you grasp in your mind the futility of trying to twist the scripture like you are doing to try and peddle Calvinistic dogma....?
That verse ALONE disputes the fraudulent tenant of Your religion that God only CHOSE man A for heaven, while man B thru Z cooks for eternity.....
GOD WOULD HAVE ALL OF THEM BE SAVED....not just a few followers of Calvin.....
Wake up man.....from front to back the bible drips CHOICE by man!
1 Tim 2:4 If, in your studies, you use a Greek concordance, you will find that "saved" means delivered. When a babe in Christ (already quickened, but has not grown to be mature in knowledge) comes unto a knowledge of the gospel they are delivered (saved) from their lack of knowledge. Saved in this verse does not have reference to eternal deliverance, but a deliverance that they receive as they sojourn in this world.
If you do not separate the difference in the salvation (deliverance) scriptures, you will not be able to harmonize all of the scriptures.
If God wanted all mankind to go to heaven, all mankind will go to heaven, because God accomplishes all of his will. Dan 4:35, And all of the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand (override God's will with man's free will) or say unto him, What doest thou?
In the matter of eternal deliverance, God does override the free will that he gave to man for choosing how he wants to live his life while he sojourns here on earth. Man's eternal deliverance is by God's sovereign grace, without any help from man.
Before you can understand the truth of the doctrine that Jesus taught, all of the scriptures must harmonize.