Lemme see if I can
address this question for ya!
We all have been taught that it was 1/3rd of the "sons of God", that the dragon "swept" with its "tale/tail!" Right?
As far as I've read in the Bible, these
"Habitations", Have
Not been filled! Right?

You can read about what "those", and that which they taught, and
still teach men/women in the book of Enoch! Which means "reading
outside" the
"Canonized" Bible. Hey! Don't look at
me! It wasn't I who deleted Enoch and Jasher
from the "canon!" Although,
both are mentioned
IN the canonized "version!"

Kinda gives cause for one in wondering just
who, or what did though, don't it?
is God going to
ELECT, in His
replacing these habitations that were vacated? We
also read where these ones who vacated? Aren't going to be
RE-Appointed, are they? Well? Kinda goes a little like this. There's a "story" in O.T.
HIStory, concerning the Kingdom of Israel, and the "dividing" up the real estate!
EXCEPT, for the
PRIESTS! They only got enough real estate to "live and prosper" on. Why? Because
GOD is
THEIR INHERITANCE! SUPPOSED to have been, anyways! As it turned out? Israel's priests, and Israel themselves, found themselves in the
same predicament, as did Adam and Eve! Enter, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Of Whom the Holy Scriptures were "revised"
BY God
through His humble servants the
Prophets, in their
"reflecting" this, in their writings and prophecies! Also, in the writings and prophecies of the Apostles and Disciples in the N.T.
Hoping this shines some light as to
where the
elect come from! The question during this current administration of God's Grace and Loving Kindness, is who do
you wish to serve? The
Father? The
Son? BOTH? Neither? Self?
For you see, it's NOT about "works for SALVATION", for those IN Christ! Nope? Never HAS been! Although, many, because of the "traditions of man", which makes VOID the WORD of God, are so want in their teachings, that it is? It AIN'T!
It's about keeping ones' ELECTION "assured", for WHEN the Father has SUFFICIENTLY "rendered as a FOOTSTOOL" HIS "enemies", in the sending BACK of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! (see the 2nd half of Psalms 110:1)
Father's "elect", are doing this work NOW! So, the "elect" in Christ? WOULD CONTINUE their work, THEN!