Im not sure im comfortable with any rapture, The scripture says Christ is returning here It is a gathering, but it does not say where anyone is taken. Remember Christ is returing here not to leave again. I'm guessing people believe he will leave some where. But where is that written.
Even with pre rapture out of the way. I think we need to be aware, of what , the actions are of the Antichrist and what the actions will be of the believers .
Many people are teaching death and destruction, While ignoring that God said, "hurt no one", in Revelation. and its sybolisim about the events.
It is written in Rev 12: 9 , Satan, is let out of heaven to deceive, its the same thing mentioned in Rev 13 of the 2nd beast . Deception is the same thing mentioned in Mark 13 and Matthew 24 Luke 21.
And its written, that if you overcome, you dont face the 2nd death.( thats of the soul 1 cor 15: - ) So, why would people teach the death of the body is what they have to worry about, when death of the body does not effect the state of the soul.
In the events of Anitchrist, he is coming to "Decieve" , not to kill the body , but the soul is what is at stake here. You cants cause some one to loose their eternal life, by killing their body.
If are convinced, that Anitchrist is coming to kill, they will be taken off guard, when he comes in peacefully.
If you can see where im coming from, even with rapture out of the way, There are other issues that have to be prayed about.