haha thanks for the chuckle to funny, lol
I never really have got into hunting, some of my friends are into it it’s all good I have no view on that but maybe one just don’t kill animals for their horns or something like that,
but even though I like animals I will not blink an eye to to take out a dog running after me. I like the bow hunting concept kind of evens the field man vs beast thing lol, it’s not that easy to shoot a deer with a bow.
I live in a city in sort of a bad section, gun shots almost every night, I’ve been thinking about getting another hand gun for the house or to carry but I haven’t decided yet I don’t know.
I never really have got into hunting, some of my friends are into it it’s all good I have no view on that but maybe one just don’t kill animals for their horns or something like that,
but even though I like animals I will not blink an eye to to take out a dog running after me. I like the bow hunting concept kind of evens the field man vs beast thing lol, it’s not that easy to shoot a deer with a bow.
I live in a city in sort of a bad section, gun shots almost every night, I’ve been thinking about getting another hand gun for the house or to carry but I haven’t decided yet I don’t know.
If you ever do I suggest a revolver,police special.38 colt or s&w model 10 ect. Rock Island Amory M206 or something similar) . Why is if it's for protection there is no safety(revolves instead) and so if in a split second you needed it most people could not take it off safety,pull the receiver back and put a round in the chamber fast enough to defend themselves with an automatic. There are exceptions to that though military vets,police ect. would go through the motions without getting rattled at all(training), Make sure it has a smooth action and tight(no worn parts), have a gunsmith look at it if it's a police special .38 revolver every older gunsmith fixed them for the police,security guards,FBI ect. by the millions. Remember in a real assault it will rattle you,you'll get tunnel vision, your heart will be pounding and so a revolver is point and squeeze.
I don't believe in shooting any animal I don't need for food(freezer),I take no joy out of killing one and the only deer horns I ever kept were ones I made rattle bones from(deer call) all of the others I buried with the deer in respect. It is an offal lot of work to get up go hunt,kill an animal,field gut it,load it in a truck,bring it home skin it,quarter it pack it in coolers,take a quarter at a time and cut it up and package it,,,lol. I cant imagine how some see it as a lot of fun I see it as a lot of work but like I said I did fill my freezer many times and felt bad because I killed something so I always tried to only eat. No disrespect to any who see this different just how I see it.
I have hunted with a bow( I have a Osage long bow and bear compound) I don't like it as well as I thought I would. The reason why is a gun has enough inertia force when it hits the animal to knock them down a bow don't. The best shot imo is a lung shot because when they take a breath after a lung shot the same thing happens to them as to a person when thy get the air knocked out of them(two steps and they fall). The heart to me is ok also but they'll run farther sometimes.
With a compound bow I have seen the arrow(broad-head) go all the way through a deer and stick in the ground on the other side. The deer jumped and looked around like "what touched me" and then hopped off as though nothing happened(no inertia) but still it bled out you just need to understand how to track it through the woods. First just let it walk off(don't chase it,drink a coke eat a sandwich)...
After about 30/45 minutes go to where you shot it and look for evidence like your a detective. A deer is darker on his back and fades to tan and his belly and legs are white. If you find dark brown hair(hit him high) brown hair(midsection) white hair(gut shot or leg) the blood if leg shot is bright red and thin,,,Liver is dark red and thick. If it looks as though it has bubbles in it you hit a lung ect.ect.
If you use a long bow the arrow wont go all the way through the deer and when he goes through the bushes the bushes grab the arrow and move it around and cause more damage. The direction you saw him go is the place to start tracking him so go there and look for blood spots on the leaves of the bushes and the ground(don't loose them), If there are two of you one stands at the spot you found and the other looks for the next spot of blood and then the one guarding it moves up to the next spot and then you go spot by spot.
If the deer bleeds out soon you wont have to go far but if you get to close to him and he hasn't bled out and you jump him up he wont stop running again until he dies. If you are tracking him and you see a spot of blood and look at how far apart the spots are you'll know how fast he's bleeding. If you see a spot that is a large puddle he stopped and you might be fixing to jump him up and make him run so stop for a while he may have not known you were coming and just stopped because he was dizzy(bleeding out).
lol,Now one day they might take our gun rights away and so I don't want to sound like I am against bow hunting but it is a lot more difficult to do and actually find the deer that was shot so a rifle is the way to go in my opinion but if you do decide to bow hunt find someone who has done it because it like playing lead guitar it's harder to do than with a gun not easier and probably half if not more of all deer shot with an arrow are never found.
I saved this till last,,if you are by yourself tracking a wounded animal I use toilet paper and hang it on the spot of blood/evidence(marks the last evidence). But if you are with another person with a gun or bow and are tracking a wounded animal decide who is the best shot,agree that they are the only one who is going to shoot if you jump up the wounded animal and the other person needs to be the one marking the blood while the shooter is in front. Tracking a wounded animal it is very easy to jump him up and if both(or more) people swing around to shoot it you'll be in each others cross fire(think it through)...
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