What I am trying to do EG, is redefine, or describe more correctly, what people view as works=Salvation. People see others doing what, in their mind/s, looks like efforts in keeping ones' Salvation, when what they are seeing, or hearing about, are actually, works in keeping ones' election assured. And, growing more mature in the Spirit. Kinda goes hand in hand.
What becoming more mature in the Spirit entails? Is not necessarily "growing longer in the tooth."

Consider Timothy.
more one is
conformed in the "image of Christ?" The
less one is
in Christ, and
entering the Kingdom of God!
Does this mean one totally
forgets Christ, or how to lead someone
to Christ?
GOD FORBID! What happens, when testifying, or posting witness, concerning the "works" that's
required for
entering the Kingdom of God, thus keeping ones' election assured? "Wow!" They say instantly. "He's/she's not
AT THE CROSS of Christ!" Well? They would be right. That's
what "picking up your cross"
Means! Entering the Kingdom of God, as Christ confesses one before the Father. At this point? Being saved? SHOULD BE a
No Brainer! Yet, it's not "seen/viewed, or TAUGHT" that way! "Imputed righteousness!" They say! And? Again? They'd be right! That'll "get yer foot in the door", so to speak. But,
Then, there's this "vetting process." Where the Father sez to ya: "It's just
You n ME now, buddy!" This is when He calls on the Lord of the Harvest, and His angels, to works on ya!
I know yer not gonna believe me EG. But, within us all? Are
potential Priests of God, as well as Priests of Jesus Christ.