If you look at it (as it should be looked at, anyway. And, at one time was. Before the "overthrow", in an "everlasting past"), that if Adam and Eve had not sinned? They would have not been
blocked from the "tree of life", and
banned from the Garden of Eden. They would have grown in maturity. And when God seen they were ready? Would have removed the "off limits" from the "tree of knowledge, and good and evil", as well as the "tree of life" (in time). Needless to say, we would be living
way differently, then we do currently. And no one would be saying, "It is what it is!" Which is why I so disagree with that assessment, and say, "it is, what it has
become!" Because of sin, apostasy, and traditions of man!
Really nothing
"private" at all! Tis
there, for
all to see. I can't
make you, or anyone else to see! Even Jesus couldn't
make people see! But? There it is!
And, here we are!