It started in the second century amongst
some Christians, in opposition to what Christ and the apostles taught, and drifted over centuries into Catholic theology with Ambrose of Milan being the first Bishop to begin elevating Mary.
Presently, it's reached a point of absurdity in the RCC with modern popes. For example, Pope Paul VI's 'Credo of the People of God' states, "The Mother of the Church, carries on in heaven her maternal role with regard to the members of Christ, cooperating in the birth and development of divine life in the souls of the redeemed."
What fabricated nonsense. But then many Catholic doctrines and practices are unbiblical (e.g. purgatory, praying for the dead, indulgences, venerating images, praying to Mary, venerating Mary, the bodily assumption of Mary, worshipping the consecrated host, and the infallibility of the Pope, etc...).
The Catholic Encyclopedia details a view of Mary that the same Catholic Encyclopedia admits is not Biblical. Look that up, as it's true. Their view of her life and her role originate in Catholic tradition -- that is, the writings of the popes and theologians, rather than in the Bible.
First Timothy 2:5 declares, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." There is no one else that can mediate with God for us. If Jesus is the ONLY mediator, that indicates Mary and the saints cannot be mediators. They cannot mediate our prayer requests to God or do for us what only God can do. Further, the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ Himself is interceding for us before the Father.
The Catholic will simply say that asking Mary and the saints to pray for them is no different than asking someone here on earth to pray for us. But the Bible nowhere mentions anyone asking for someone in heaven to pray for them and other than Jesus's intercession as divine mediator to omnipresent, omniscient God the father; the Bible nowhere describes anyone in heaven as ever praying for anyone on earth.
But the Bible does have a lot of very negative things to say about praying to or speaking with the dead (e.g. occult sorcery). In fact, praying to the dead is strictly forbidden in the Bible with verses like Deuteronomy 18:11 stating that anyone who “consults with the dead” is “detestable to the Lord.”
The truth is that the Roman Catholic Church has floated off its rocker with respect to Mary. In my observations, many Catholics offer more prayers to Mary and pay her more attention and honor than to Crist and God combined. There are thousands of Catholic shrines to Mary around the world (and hundreds of shrines to other "saints"), but scarcely more than a handful of minor shrines to Christ himself.
Despite the RCC asserting Mary is supposedly only given hyperdulia, the other saints dulia, while Christ is given latria; what Catholics are doing in practice and what their theologians are asserting contradict this. For example, read Cardinal and Saint Alphonsus de Liguori's 'The Glories of Mary' to see how far past the biblical record Catholics have taken Mary veneration/worship in their displacement of Jesus Christ with Mary. Pay attention to quotes like this, "No one can enter Heaven unless by Mary, as though through a door." <-- That's blatant heresy.
Furthermore, many Catholics I talk to insist Mary was an eternal virgin who never had any other children than Jesus Christ despite the biblical and historical record that after Christ she did have sexual relations with her earthly husband and bear natural children.
Well... it just goes on and on and on... which is why I'm not a Catholic.
Fortunately, I do know some who are saved

. There are many reasons why Catholics who do get saved stay in the Catholic Church. But that's really another discussion altogether.
I find it interesting the main focus in the N.T. is Jesus Christ and what He does for us. But yet the Catholics teach its Jesus Christ and Mary that is our main focus. Where in the Scriptures does it show that Mary was involved with Jesus Christ and the Disciples in spreading the Gospel of Salvation?
After the wedding feast Mary disappears from the scene. She is nowhere to be found. So why are you Catholics Worshiping Mary? Jesus Christ had nothing to do with her. Its a shame on the Catholics for walking away from what the Holy Spirit says to Worship and follow Mary. And yes you Catholics do Worship Mary. Your mouth may say you do not Worship Mary but your Theology and actions prove you do Worship her.