All I am sharing is that Allah and Elah or El are closely related in the evolution of Hebrew and Arabic, both pf wjocj jave Ara,aoc in its development.
They are NOT closely related as anyone with a basic knowledge of Semitic languages could tell you. It is quite clear that you have no grounding in Hebrew, Aramaic or Arabic.
Elohim is not one word it is the plural of mighty one, thus it is mighty ones. This is how gods were referrred to.
Of course it is one word. It comes from the singular eloha.
You may say it is not true or it is true, but we are speacking of three alphabets here, transliterations into English and other languages,. You cannot say it has a double L when it is in another alphabet.
Allah has a double L pronounced as one in Arabic.
I cannot speak for Arabic, but I do not believe there is sucha thing as a double lamed in Hebrew, thet is the closest equivalent to an L in the alefbet (Hebrew alphabet.)
How long have you been genuinely studying Hebrews scholastically? Try HLL lol. that immediately comes to mind although it is not parallel to Allah in construction. can u tell me why?
Although I have read the Old testament and much of the New in Hebrew, I am not an expert,
How did you read the New Testament in Hebrew? It is written in Greek. You betray your lack of knowledge immediately.
Come on, admit that you know nothing about the construction of Semitic languages.