Before I was saved, I was a professional musician. The top days in the year to perform were New Year's and Halloween. Halloween was simply demonic. Things got more and more bizarre as the evening progressed. Sure the costumes were part of the issue, but it seemed like people's inhibitions were more released. Partly that meant people getting away with stuff because they were hidden behind a costume and often a mask! But people got more drunk- hence club owners just loved it, especially when Halloween fell on a weekend. I grew to hate it!
The first year or two after I was saved, I gave out candy, and didn't think much about it! But then I realized how creepy it was, and then stopped. Eventually we compromised by buying our kids too much candy, and some years going to some kind of harvest festival. Then hubby decided it was legalistic and not neighbourly to give not out candy. I told him he had to do it. That lasted about a year, then I was supposed to do it. We only had a few kids in the neighbourhood, and they all grew up, and then we were done!
When we moved to BC, it was similar to our old neighbourhood, and we got no one on our door. But my DIL made cute costumes for our grandkids, she wanted me to do the rounds with her in her area, 6 blocks from our house, where the homes are close together. Well, it was so creepy! People spent so much time and money decorating their homes to be scary and evil. When I was young, and when my kids were young, it was all about handing out candy. Now it is about glorifying evil.
I am really against Halloween, in terms of what a pagan day it is. Days that celebrate witches, ghosts, and other evil should not be celebrated by Christians.