Your issue is you set YOURSELF up as the judge. Setting standards. Elucidating lists of criteria. Fine-tuning the scales of justice. Declaring what is fair and right.
Pretty outrageous really.
I wouldn't touch any of that with a 10 foot pole.
It's not a matter of fairness, it's a matter of cohesion. If the word justice is to mean anything with regard to God it must differ from human justice not in kind but in degree.
If the soteriology you set up were true God could certainly call Himself just but the word would be meaningless. It wouldn't have any semantic value because it is entirely different from what we mean by justice.
You accuse me of setting myself up as the judge for pointing out the flaws in your system because as is common to Calvinists your pride is your doctrinal knowledge.
The only thing I judge is the idol set up by a human system. The monster that Calvinist soteriology tries to hoist in the place where only the true God properly sits.
You think by teaching that God saves some wicked while punishing another group that is no more guilty than those saved is somehow honoring God. You think that by distorting the attributes of God to the point where they have none of their common meaning is preserving God's doctrines, but instead you make the personal God impersonal and unknowable.