Gary, I'm not here to argue, I just want to clarify. Are you telling us that you have the power to grant salvation to us? I'm not talking about Jesus in you, I'm talking about you, personally. Are you the Savior of mankind? Please answer.Good question, I have been followin this thread off and on, I understand christ in us. When you give your life to the Lord, and dedicate all that you have and are to followng and serving him, if you have a heart change it can definately show inward and outward in your walk. That being said I in myself am NOTHING, if there is any good and pure thing in me, its Jesus. No one can grant you anything but JESUS. We are just vessels. My hope and glory are in HIM, and Im just so thankful he looked upon me and my filthiness and saw something worth cleansing and dieing for.