My point is that now that we are forgiven for transgressions that are past, Romans 3:25, not now free to continue to transgress.
The Law is not there for the man that is, by nature, keeping the righteousness of the Law.
But, if a man is not keeping the righteousness of the Law, as a believer, the Law is to be used lawfully.
It is also to be used for doctrine and instruction (1Tim 3:16). If a man is disobeying (1Tim 1:9) the Law of GOD we can reprove and correct (1Tim. 3:16) such a one with the Law, or Word (and prayer of course).
This is my point and I believe that if you read the scriptures I have shared you will better understand my point. If you find my understanding in error, please use the Word, in context, to correct me.
The Law is not there for the man that is, by nature, keeping the righteousness of the Law.
But, if a man is not keeping the righteousness of the Law, as a believer, the Law is to be used lawfully.
It is also to be used for doctrine and instruction (1Tim 3:16). If a man is disobeying (1Tim 1:9) the Law of GOD we can reprove and correct (1Tim. 3:16) such a one with the Law, or Word (and prayer of course).
This is my point and I believe that if you read the scriptures I have shared you will better understand my point. If you find my understanding in error, please use the Word, in context, to correct me.
I will speak concerning personal experience when young in regard to rest of your post. I was raised in a church, that led me to believe Jesus died for my past sins. The slate was wiped clean if you like at conversion. But after then, I must not sin/break the law or my salvation was in jeopardy. I responded to an altar call when I was ten. Everything then changed. I became aware of my shortcomings/sin, in a most profound way before God. I got angry at times, as kids do. I told some fibs, I did not love others as I should, and all the time I felt bad about these things. But when I reached puberty, my problems magnified tenfold. I had to obey God's laws, or my salvation was in jeapordy. On the outside I could act as Godly as anyone else on Sundays at church. But the inside was a different matter. And sin is sin, whether committed where everyone could see, or whether it was known only to me and God. I feared my impure thoughts when they came, because God's laws must be obeyed, and I was not obeying them on the inside. I was in truth breaking the ten commandments. And, so many people preached if you do not obey God's laws you cannot remain in a saved state. I didn't want to go to hell. But as I believed Jesus only died for my past sins I was heading their fast. And, the more I feared those impure thoughts the worse they got. To use a greek expression, I became full of all manner of concupiscence. The commandments I believed were ordained to life-if I obeyed them, instead brought death/condemnation, for I could not keep them. I ended up utterly sinfull. Looking back, I had felt alive, a normal healthy kid before I made that commitment to God, but not afterwards, for through my knowledge of God's laws, and my belief they must be obeyed to remain in a saved state I believed I was condemned due to my inability to obey them(Rom7:7-11 KJV)
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