Here's a brief introductory video. The full article is here:
The Catholic Encyclopedia online states:
"The payment of tithes was adopted from the Old Law, and early writers speak of it as a divine ordinance and an obligation of conscience. The earliest positive legislation on the subject seems to be contained in the letter of the bishops assembled at Tours in 567 and the canons of the Council of Maçon in 585. In course of time, we find the payment of tithes made obligatory by ecclesiastical enactments in all the countries of christendom."
I always knew tithing had a bad smell.
I grew up in a family where money was always a problem. We lived OK, but my mother worked long hours and my dad was a gambler. When I was saved, I brought a "poverty mentality" with me. I scrimped and saved as best I could, yet lacked wisdom and wasted a lot of money also. I was always broke.
Tithing was impossible, so I thought. I gave a little, but always looking at my finances first. I met someone who was a true giver. His hand was always in his pocket, ready to give. He was always blessed financially. He led a fellowship of around 20 people. He gave to them, not the other way around. God blessed his business as he raised four children. His wife stayed home to look after him and the kids. She also worked in the business.
Slowly I became willing to give. God changed my heart. It was not easy. Now I live in comfort and my years of worry about money are behind me. I give more than I ever have. God keeps blessing.
Tithing is not New Testament. The principle is now of giving. 10% is a lot for some, peanuts for others. I can assure anyone worrying about giving that God is well able to meet your every need. One time I received almost a year's wages in a settlement for something that happened 50 years before. I only found out about the class action by "accident".
The truth is that God has not got your heart until He has your wallet. Lord Jesus said either God is your master or money. Giving is the way to demonstrate that God is control of your life. It is also a great blessing to give, and not because of any material blessing we may receive. God is not a slot machine dispensing gifts when a coin in inserted. No, when we give (in the right way), we may see the joy and relief in the eyes of someone in great need. We may discover that our gift has encouraged someone who is struggling.
We should give to the people who minister the gospel to us. We should also give to those who are struggling financially, especially Christians. Lord Jesus said that there will always be poor people, so we will always have opportunity to bless.
Tithing is a starting point. I prayed that God would make me a generous giver. One person I met gave half his income. I was amazed. And convicted of my meanness. Jesus is not a liar. He said, "Give and it shall be given to you". I am living proof that God honours His word.