There is a visible kingdom. It is spiritual in nature and is in the hearts of believers, but it is manifest. What do you suppose Asbury exemplifies?
Asbury exemplifies the Church to some degree, but again revival begins with repentance. This means that there will need to be some serious evidence of repentance among those who have gone off the rails. I have read a report this morning that people from other denominations (including Catholics) have gotten involved. So for Catholics, repentance would be a TOTAL REPUDIATION of the Catholic Church, since it is full of false teachings. For Anglicans it would mean a TOTAL REPUDIATION of the apostate Anglican Church. So unless we see and hear that this is really what is happening, the term "revival" will need to be reserved until there is actual evidence of rejection of all false teachings and practices, and a return to biblical Christianity and the true and full Gospel of God.
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