Bill knows you cannot prove nor disprove God based upon worldly knowledge.
Since God created the natural world, I don't think He has a problem with us investigating it and trying to understand it through the scientific method. But problems arise when "scientists" start making things up to fit their preconceived agenda--and unfortunately, it seems that this happens most often on the theist's side. Like St. Augustine, I think this is a bad look for Christians, when they are caught in falsehoods either due to ignorance or outright deception.
I remember being impressed by a kid by the story about NASA trying to account for every day in history, and finding the "lost day" in Joshua, along with another missing 40 minutes that was explained by God turning back the sun 10 degrees in 2 Kings--only to be disappointed when I found out that someone had just made the whole thing up.
NASA Discovers a Lost Day in Time
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