There is no one like him on the earth and a wealthy farmer
Job 10
- Even if Job thinks that Yah.weh is against him, he never forgets what he has done for him!
- Life and loyal love and care!
- In fact, Job speaks about Yah.weh as a Father!
- He is not someone quick to forget!
- Of course, he wasn’t living in a commercial world where people consume and throw away!
- Really a different world!
- That’s what people call progress!
- They don’t speak about contamination everywhere!
- Our world is so contaminated that we breathe and eat and drink it!
- The Bible shows Yah.weh as a Father!
- He made the earth and everything on it so men could enjoy it!
- But Adam and Eve rebelled against him and lost perfection!
- Of course, the devil helped them to do it because he was jealous!
- As a Father, he punished them!
- But it was still possible to receive his approval!
- But the majority of their descendants decided to rebel too!
- But Yah.weh sent his Son to redeem them!
- As a consequence, if we obey Yah.weh, we can hope to get into the new promised land!
- And men will be able to live forever on the earth turned into a paradise as it was supposed to be before Adam and Eve rebelled!
- Then Jesus will lead Yah.weh’s kingdom for 1,000 years and man will have the opportunity to get back to perfection!
- At the end of this period of time, everyone will have the choice to obey or rebel against Yah.weh for the last time!
- The devil and his demons will be freed again to push them to disobey!
- And as the book of Revelation says it, the majority will rebel!
- And they will be eradicated!
- Then it won’t be possible to rebel against Yah.weh anymore!
- Those who will survive and get through the last threat will have the opportunity to live forever and do incredible things!
- We can’t imagine what it will be possible to achieve under Yah.weh’s guidance!