- Someone said:
Job always remains faithful to God and does not fall into temptation at the hands of Satan.
- Here, we're talking about exceptional cases!
- Take Samuel!
- Why Samuel? Well, because we know his story before he was born!
- We know the story of his father and his two wives, including Samuel's mother!
- She's barren and wants a child!
- She makes a pact with Yah.weh!
- She offers her first-born to Yah.weh, meaning that he will serve her for the rest of his life!
- In exchange, she can have children!
- She really believes in Yah.weh to propose a pact!
- By doing so, she influences her son's future!
- He will have the privilege of serving Yah.weh from an early age!
- And that's before he knows Yah.weh!
- It's as if everything had been decided for him in advance!
- But it wasn't!
- Samuel finds himself at Yah.weh's house, even though Yah.weh has abandoned Israel because of their behavior!
- What's more, the high priest is old and his two sons, who are also priests, are corrupt in the extreme!
- They practice everything that is evil in Yah.weh's eyes, in front of all Israel!
- Exceptionally, Yah.weh will speak directly to Samuel!
- And this exceptional relationship will last until Samuel's death!
- Samuel will not be corrupted by the sons of the high priest!
- He chose to faithfully serve Yah.weh!
- He will devote his whole life to Yah.weh!
- On the other hand, his own sons will let themselves be corrupted despite their father's example!
- Another story of free will!
Job always remains faithful to God and does not fall into temptation at the hands of Satan.
- Here, we're talking about exceptional cases!
- Take Samuel!
- Why Samuel? Well, because we know his story before he was born!
- We know the story of his father and his two wives, including Samuel's mother!
- She's barren and wants a child!
- She makes a pact with Yah.weh!
- She offers her first-born to Yah.weh, meaning that he will serve her for the rest of his life!
- In exchange, she can have children!
- She really believes in Yah.weh to propose a pact!
- By doing so, she influences her son's future!
- He will have the privilege of serving Yah.weh from an early age!
- And that's before he knows Yah.weh!
- It's as if everything had been decided for him in advance!
- But it wasn't!
- Samuel finds himself at Yah.weh's house, even though Yah.weh has abandoned Israel because of their behavior!
- What's more, the high priest is old and his two sons, who are also priests, are corrupt in the extreme!
- They practice everything that is evil in Yah.weh's eyes, in front of all Israel!
- Exceptionally, Yah.weh will speak directly to Samuel!
- And this exceptional relationship will last until Samuel's death!
- Samuel will not be corrupted by the sons of the high priest!
- He chose to faithfully serve Yah.weh!
- He will devote his whole life to Yah.weh!
- On the other hand, his own sons will let themselves be corrupted despite their father's example!
- Another story of free will!