Peter, at first I thought you were an intelligent fellow but it seems the more you post the more you seem lost. Now, I assume from experience that you'll probably just gonna dodge my sincere concern for you and post a long reply filled with unrelated topics and try to retort an advice yourself, but frankly speaking, you're not fooling anybody but yourself.
You post all kinds of good works and love and gentleness and humility, yet your words betray you. You justify yourself too much. When you talk about sin, you almost always refer to someone else and when talking about obedience you almost never fail to mention yourself. Honestly, you reek of pride, not of humility.
If you do take walking in obedience seriously, I would suggest some self-reflection. Also try to stay on point and not wander off topics, grant it, sometimes, I find your words poetic but becomes a waste of time after reading.
With regards to the topic, I believe you know where I stand. But in case you don't, I believe Jesus finished the job completely and fully. Just as God sat after the creation, Jesus also sat down on the right hand of God to signify the same completion of our salvation. The Holy Spirit being our seal and guarantee. We are no longer slaves but sons and daughters.
Grace and peace to you. May God bless you with wisdom, peace and provision to do His will.
What you are saying is I am in sin, full of pride, arrogance and hypocracy.
This is the sin of cynicism and unbelief. You have no basis for such statements my friend.
So why do you bring them, unless you yourself have a guilty conscience and wish to involve
me with your own spiritual state.
You do not believe Christ calls us Holy, blameless, pure, cleansed, washed clean?
If you do not believe this is possible, why do you disbelieve scripture?
If Christ says I am these things, who am I to say I am not, unless I know of sin
in which I walk. Now the only answer to date is from people so closed down and locked
out, their hearts and emotions run over them every day, and get them into real relationship
sin constantly. This should be testimony enough, they have not truly opened their hearts
to Christ and let Him in, and put Christ on the throne. ( a phrase I used to dislike )
Putting Christ on the throne is admitting failure and asking Christ into ones heart without
any defence, and letting all the pain and hurt out.
This is all I know, so if this is not what you meant, I apologise, but I have nothing else
to share. You would know what I mean if you had walked this path.