How would you answer this? - How does a child imitate her parents without the parents living in and through the child. Do you really believe a child can imitate her parents?
People imitate what they admire in others. A person who admires the character snd example of Christ can certainly try to imitate Christ. And God would be willing to help them do so, even if they do not yet own so-called orthodox Christian doctrines about God. Do you think God would hinder people who want to imitate Christ from imitating Him to some degree.
People imitate what they admire in others. A person who admires the character snd example of Christ can certainly try to imitate Christ. And God would be willing to help them do so, even if they do not yet own so-called orthodox Christian doctrines about God. Do you think God would hinder people who want to imitate Christ from imitating Him to some degree.
The Christian life isn't about doing things primarily, although one will do things. It is primarily about being conformed to the image of Christ. We can't do this, but God can. And He does so as we humble ourselves and walk after Him.
Sheep are followers, and not deciders. They do the bidding of the Shepherd. Being a Christian is about a life entangled with Christ. It's in Him that we live, and move, and have our being. We learn to hear His voice and move through life as He directs. That's what walking in the Spirit is. It's not that people can't choose as they please. It's that choosing as you please is rebellion. Following as He pleases is obedience. People who choose for themselves are not following.
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