Jesus referred to the two greatest commandments; love God with all your heart your soul your mind love your neighbor as yourself as the law of love. But he didn’t say these replaced “All the Law”, quite the opposite, He referred to these two laws as the proper motivation for keeping all the Laws in the OT!
There's two ways to keep the commandments written in the Old Testament.
The first one would be out of the fear of the curses that come to those who don't keep them.
The second one is when you keep the commandments out of love for your God and out of love for your neighbor, not out of a fear of the curses that come with them that's the law of love.
Paul refers to a “godly sorrow” and a “worldly sorrow”, the godly sorrow he refers to leads to repentance which leads to salvation the worldly sorrow leads to death so the godly sorrow would be the one where in your heart you have a desire to honor God and honor your neighbor because you love them, the worldly sorrow thinks to itself; “I better do what God says and I better do what is good for my neighbor or will just come back on me. Worldly sorrow doesn’t care about God or your neighbor, you just care about what happens to you.
Jesus made a point that the law says “Thou shalt not commit adultery”, but that if you kept yourself from physically going after your neighbors wife but still wanted to, then you broke the law “in your heart”. Sure you didn’t break the “Letter of the Law” by doing the act, but you did break “the Spirit of the Law” by wanting to! If you loved your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself, your heart would be repulsed by the thought of lusting after your neighbors wife. The Spirit of the Law doesn’t want to break the Law for the sake of God and neighbor, the “letter” of the Law won’t break the law out of love for ones self. Can you see the difference?
Paul in 1 Cor 13 refers to all the “good” things a person can do right “mechanically”, but if the acts are missing the love of neighbor and God, then they are simply empty meaningless acts of selfishness.
Once a heart is converted from “self love” to a “Love for God and a love for neighbor as ones self”, that heart will search the Law out to see what pleases God, and then do those thing. The heart that is not yet converted is angered by those same Laws and looks for ways to negate them, or end run them.
There's two ways to keep the commandments written in the Old Testament.
The first one would be out of the fear of the curses that come to those who don't keep them.
The second one is when you keep the commandments out of love for your God and out of love for your neighbor, not out of a fear of the curses that come with them that's the law of love.
Paul refers to a “godly sorrow” and a “worldly sorrow”, the godly sorrow he refers to leads to repentance which leads to salvation the worldly sorrow leads to death so the godly sorrow would be the one where in your heart you have a desire to honor God and honor your neighbor because you love them, the worldly sorrow thinks to itself; “I better do what God says and I better do what is good for my neighbor or will just come back on me. Worldly sorrow doesn’t care about God or your neighbor, you just care about what happens to you.
Jesus made a point that the law says “Thou shalt not commit adultery”, but that if you kept yourself from physically going after your neighbors wife but still wanted to, then you broke the law “in your heart”. Sure you didn’t break the “Letter of the Law” by doing the act, but you did break “the Spirit of the Law” by wanting to! If you loved your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself, your heart would be repulsed by the thought of lusting after your neighbors wife. The Spirit of the Law doesn’t want to break the Law for the sake of God and neighbor, the “letter” of the Law won’t break the law out of love for ones self. Can you see the difference?
Paul in 1 Cor 13 refers to all the “good” things a person can do right “mechanically”, but if the acts are missing the love of neighbor and God, then they are simply empty meaningless acts of selfishness.
Once a heart is converted from “self love” to a “Love for God and a love for neighbor as ones self”, that heart will search the Law out to see what pleases God, and then do those thing. The heart that is not yet converted is angered by those same Laws and looks for ways to negate them, or end run them.
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