I Think this thread should now be tittled i know the difference between god and Jesus and you do not. (for some anyway).
I feel that any christian who knows something and is not willing to share so other Christians may learn. is just not christian to me.
I dont know how many times i have herd in this thread and people saying they know but not answering ?, or how many times i have herd people asking questions they know the answer to, in the hope that the other person gets it wrong so they can make the person look bad, or to prove a point (is that christian)
I have never in all my life witnessed so much hatred from people who claim to be Christians. where is the christian love and understanding gone, "from some in here who claim to be Christians,?
Its make me wonder, the way i see it is milk is needed here and thanks prodical i needed that drink. boy was i thirsty, a picture speaks a thousand words.
the lord God wants all his children to be saved (this s very important)
Its good though that we can learn from the enemy it only make a good christian stronger not weaker.
Fear not fellows Christians, Trust in God and seek guidance do not let your minds be troubled.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you. AMEN