I believe all scripture applies to todays professing christians , and i believe all sanctified christians follow it to a T.
I have a question though: Why does the sequence of events we call "The Resurrection Morning", located in all 4 of the gospels...why do these accounts differ in there sequence of events? Matthew's account finds the tomb sealed, and is opened by an angel of the Lord via earthquake, who proceeds to speak to Mary- now if we closely examine the accounts of Mark, Luke and John, the bible reveals a dramatically different account from those disciples....there are differences in regards to the Angels, both in location upon Mary's arrival, as well as in number, even that the tomb is already opened- even Jesus appears to them at different times, and even Peter shows up at the tomb at a different time, etc...the 4 accounts appear to wholly contradict each other? What gives here??
Thee are huge doctrinal implications to this. The resurrection accounts are conflicting- which would prove fallibility, which would change the whole soapbox many stand on. The foundation of MOST doctrine is now shaky at best....
This is my opinion: I think God has gathered you in. And now He want's to completely free you of all that is left behind His regeneration of you. This issue of doubt, altho, not authored by God is allowed by God. In Him creating in you a crisis, He is asking you to be "all-in" for His "in-all" to be seen. He; not you ,is forcing you to ask the question: for or against? I believe this crossroad can become a great crossroads in your life. It may even take time to accomplish, but this is a lesson we all need to hear: If a crisis has come to you on any front, surrender your will to Jesus absolutely and irrevocably.
"...my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death." Philippians 1:20.
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