Hello, new here... learing is a process, such is HIS life and example to. I appreciate a comment I saw earlier, to the one who started the post, could you kindly say what it is you think people are missing? That's a great question; Also, to the comment that all we know about HIM is written in scripture, is it not? Consider then John 21:25 Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
I appreciate the challenge with this thought and notion, although I don't believe God shorted us or gave us a disadvantage by not giving us enough material in the Bible to read upon. Also consider the passage in Luke 24:25-27 25 And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.
And lets not forget the notion of the other writings in John whereby the Holy Spirit would come and remind us of all Jesus already taught; And contrast that with the fact Paul wrote that people without the knowledge of scripture (or in Paul's day anything related to what we refer to as Old Testament writings) somehow were doing the right thing where those with the scripture weren't.
There's a fascinating way about HIM, HE isn't limited in how HE can reach and teach. People learn to do right by coming into right relationship with HIM in many wonderous ways.
But for now, I agree with the above noted question, what do you think is missing from Jesus' life and example that needs to be sought out and stated? Thanks for thought provoking question!
I appreciate the challenge with this thought and notion, although I don't believe God shorted us or gave us a disadvantage by not giving us enough material in the Bible to read upon. Also consider the passage in Luke 24:25-27 25 And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.
And lets not forget the notion of the other writings in John whereby the Holy Spirit would come and remind us of all Jesus already taught; And contrast that with the fact Paul wrote that people without the knowledge of scripture (or in Paul's day anything related to what we refer to as Old Testament writings) somehow were doing the right thing where those with the scripture weren't.
There's a fascinating way about HIM, HE isn't limited in how HE can reach and teach. People learn to do right by coming into right relationship with HIM in many wonderous ways.
But for now, I agree with the above noted question, what do you think is missing from Jesus' life and example that needs to be sought out and stated? Thanks for thought provoking question!
As I have said this thread is about Yeshua and not Paul. Our reason for leaving Paul out of this conversation is simple. In EVERY thread I have ever opened, Paul is used to muddy the water so to speak. Some wish to give Paul more authority that Yeshua. To give an example that is not from the Word directly. If you are working for someone, they hold the finale say in all matters. No one working for said person holds more authority than their boss. Just as a follower of Yeshua, such as Paul, doesn't hold more authority than Yeshua. As you may have seen in this thread, some have tried to use Paul to remove the teachings of Yeshua. So I am trying to keep Paul out of this, so that anyone reading can see the teachings of Yeshua, without having to wade through the mud to find it.
Before you make a claim that isn't true, keep in mind we are only in the 8th chapter of John. When we get to the passages you noted, they will be covered. I know that some will try and say I am doing nothing more than forcing a conversation into my own understanding. However that isn't true at all. Those same people are the ones that if I would give them free rain here, would turn this into a, BUT PAUL SAID debate. In which the teachings of Yeshua would be lost to Paul said. Take the idea that they will try to use Paul to remove the Tanakh. They hold almost no understanding of the Tanakh, and it seems as though the use of this is sinful in their minds.
You are 100% right Yeshua does show us His truth when we are open to it. However, we must keep in mind that He will not force us to follow His truth.
last thing on this, then I will give you time to reply.
If we don't know how the feast work, what they are, and why they are there for us to study and live out in our lives, how will we even have a full understanding of Yeshua's life, teachings, and faith? If we are to walk after His example, should we not understand what it is we are to do?
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