Ever notice how the writers of the New Testament letters never once use "Christian" in their salutation (beginning greeting)? There's good evidence that the believers did not call themselves "Christians" but that "Christian" was what others called them.
So now the world is divided into two groups: CHRISTIANS vs NON-CHRISTIANS
Then within Christendom, there are two broad groups: POSSESSORS vs PROFESSORS
The possessors possess the gift of eternal life, but the professors are professing Christians who may not have been born again. Only God knows exactly who is who.
We should keep in mind the history of Christianity. After the persecution of Christians within the Roman empire, Christianity was the state religion in both the Roman and the Byzantine empires for almost 1000 years. Europe (including Russia and the vast Siberian landscape) was essentially Christian (at least nominally). Even the pagan Scandinavians had become nominal Christians.
The rise of communism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries changed all that. Then along came Nazi Germany and perverted Christianity. And now we have godless Communism even in America and Canada. So Christianity is no longer a state religion, but there are genuine Christians throughout the world, and even under Communist rule. The more Christians are persecuted, the more they flourish.
The United States of America was de facto a Christian country since its inception. But the Communists vowed over fifty years ago to totally subvert America and make it a Communist country. Their dream has come to pass because Communism was never outlawed in the USA (which would have been the logical and sane thing to do right after WWII). The government of the USA under Joe Biden and the Democrats is actually Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Anarchist/Racist. And they hate Christians and conservatives.
We should also keep in mind that very soon after the Pilgrims and the Puritans (two distinct Christian groups) landed in America, too many abandoned their Christian principles and treated the Native Indians in a very un-Christian manner. Even the Quakers maintained a more Christian ethic at that time.
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