Your right. Everyone can read what you said.
If I can not FOOL Bible believing OSAS christians. That insinuates 2 things
1. I am not a bible reading Christian
2. I am not an OSAS believer
Your not fooling anyone..
Everyone can read what I said...but you apparently.
You're not even in the vicinity of being in proper contextual response to my post that you quoted before you wrote what actually condemns you, above. First person, "I".
You weren't addressing what I said even before that. Which is why contrary to your charge to the contrary, again I said, my response never said those words: you don't believe OSAS! YOU claimed I stated that. Which is why I said, those words are nowhere near what I wrote in my post.
What you say above, given those facts, indicts
you! First person, "I".
. Because no one on this site who is functionally literate can point to any post in my post history wherein I say I don't read the Bible. Nor is there any post in my history wherein I say I am not OSAS. But above? That's your posting, first person. "I".
I never said those things about you. The first sentence in your post is there to reiterate that. You're right in that first sentence. Everyone can read what I wrote.
Because I never said anything even remotely close to what you've written past that first sentence? THAT'S YOU!
Too late to edit before you realized your mistake? If you were able to? It is you who isn't fooling anyone.
That's God right there.
