I just explained— they were imprisoned by the water— the idea that they are in a kind of purgatory after death is from Roman Catholicism which they got from commingling Christianity to create their demonic soup to deceive the masses— how important it is to test scripture against scripture and never isolate scripture as scripture never contradicts itself.
It is in the isolation of verses that all false doctrine derives from.
It is in the isolation of verses that all false doctrine derives from.
Imprisoned by water seems like just a reference to how they died. (Sodom and Gomorrah were set on fire by eternal fire) The main point is they are referred to as imprisoned spirits meaning they were/are still in existence. And they also seem to be conscious, seeing that Jesus went and preached to them.
Then we have the scripture that says the thief went to paradise that same day.
Yes, we know scripture never contradicts scripture and we know we can't just throw verses out, either. Like I said I haven't read through very much of this thread. I am going to read through it and consider it, but this may be one we end up disagreeing on.
As you said before, we are in agreement on so many things that there is bound to come a time that we will disagree on one point or another.
I'm not completely writing it off just yet, though.
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