See how you are? You deny one thing and then when I show references, you act like you didn't call people liars who say Calvinism predestines people to hell. Just Unbelievable!!!
First of all, as I've made clear a hundred times if I've done it once, is to clarify that I don't really identify as a Calvinist. That is what I'm called by others, as are many of us here. Being a Calvinist also doesn't make someone a disciple of Calvin. Also, could you not understand my post or did you even read it? I clarified my position and the position of most reformed believers. As has been said many, many times already, most reformed believers are reformed because they have read their bibles and come to the realization of certain biblical truths. Most have no clue what Calvin taught beyond TULIP. Some may not even know what TULIP is but are reformed in their beliefs.
Again, in essence, yes, we are all predestined one way or another because all things were predetermined before creation. This is true whether you are on the Arminian or Calvinist side unless you want to deny God's omniscience and throw in your lot with open theists. None were chosen to hell, but God created knowing he would be rejected. God actively changes the nature of some to bring about salvation by his grace while the others are left to their own desires and condemned. God does not cause them to not choose him which is the insinuation by those who say God "elected" some to hell. God only elected to salvation, not hell.
However, God DOES actively harden people who have already rejected him. Pharaoh for example. The reprobates of 2 Thes. 2 as well. Those he gives over to their own desires in Romans 1. There is biblical precedence to support that idea, however, God did not cause these people to reject him nor does he force people to sin, although in his divine sovereignty he does use their rejection and sin to his advantage to accomplish his plans according to his own purpose and will. Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers, the Assyrian King, and the crucifixion are all examples of man's evil being used by God in a way predetermined by himself for good.