This isn't what I'm asking. I want to know if He knows us before we are formed in the womb. Surely He must know who of us will accept Him and be called His children..
He knows where the next dust particle will fall. He knows what it's made from. He knows what the atoms in it came from before it became merely dust.
He knows that annoying robin that woke you up at 4 AM. He knows that robin's brothers, sisters, father, mother, great-great-great-great-great grandfather on its great-great-grandmothers side. He knows that robin chirping in Thorofare, NJ. He knows the robin in Leed, England.
He knows Attila the Hun's mother's SIL's aunt's brother. He knows the time that guy accidentally kicked something and bruised his toe.
He knows when the next sun spot is going to blast off the sun. He knows the first sun spot that blasted off the sun. He knows what he lit earth with in those three days before he made the sun.
He knows the furthest planet from here, and when that planets next dust particle will fall.
He could tell me how many times I've gone to the bathroom in my life, and how many more times I will go.
He can easily answer every question he asked Job, and in three-part harmony, because he can answer it for that particular day, for all the days before it and all the days after it. He knows what the unicorn was.
God knows everything about everything always to the extent that he is outside time and space, and therefore it is all happening to him at once... sorta, in a no-time-and-space kind of way.
Not only does he know it, he meant it to happen exactly how it is happening. He knows who will chose him because he elected them to do so.