This is possibly a radical departure from the popular pro and con views. But I think people fail to differentiate between Joel's Gift of the Holy Spirit and Jesus' Baptism of the Holy Spirit. In brief, all believers receive the gift of the Holy Spirit since Pentecost. But only those in the two outpourings, and those whom an apostle laid hands on received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues.
And the Baptism of the Holy Spirit ended with the death of the apostles. Being replaced with NT scripture.
Paul said we knew in part with tongues and prophecy. But now scripture thoroughly furnishes us.
And the Baptism of the Holy Spirit ended with the death of the apostles. Being replaced with NT scripture.
Paul said we knew in part with tongues and prophecy. But now scripture thoroughly furnishes us.
The Corinthian former pagans Paul addressed in I Corinthians were likely not hanging around Jerusalem in the time described in Acts 2, or in Cornelius' house nearly 2000 km away. Yet Paul taught them that the Spirit gives gifts to the saints like the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, prophecy, healings, the working of miracles, etc., as he wills.
The Bible does not teach that scripture is all that is needed to thoroughly furnish us. It says that all scripture is given that the man of God might be thoroughly furnished, not that it is all that one needs to be thoroughly furnished. Give an atheist the Bible and he is not thoroughly furnished. He is not even a man of God. 'Man of God' is used as a near equivalent of 'prophet' in some Old Testament texts.
You can give a soldier a rifle so that he might be thoroughly equipped, but if you haven't given him a helmet or uniform, yet, he's not thoroughly equipped.
If you give someone a Bible, he's not thoroughly equipped unless he has faith and the grace of God in his life.
I also notice that some cessationists seem to get confused with the verse, wrongly thinking it says 'scripture is all that is given that..the man of God... thoroughly equipped. Instead of 'All scripture is given...'
The scriptures that say to covet to prophesy, and despise not prophesyings are profitable for doctrine also.
If II Timothy 3 were saying that scripture was all a man of God needed to be thoroughly equipped, then why was II Timothy 4 written? Timothy would have had all he needed at that point. Cessationists who use this as a prooftext use it to mean things that neither Paul or Timothy would have interpreted it to mean. Paul also exhorted Timothy to remember prophecies spoken over him to fight a good warfare by them.
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