We must also realize the making of laws takes the legislation of morality. So a very important question any country must answer is who's morality?
But take for example, gay marriage and anti-sodomy laws. These things don't hurt anyone tangibly, and it's ridiculous to consider that homosexuality will cease to exist if it is prohibited. From a purely civic standpoint, allowing it is a question of promoting liberty. However from a moral standpoint, we know it is condoning evil.
So is the church obligated to seek governmental authority to prohibit it in the greater society, not just among those who name the name of Christ, but among the heathen?
This isn't the same question as voting ones conscience in a free democratic nation. We often hear such things phrased in such terms as 'the most important election in our generation' and 'our Christian duty to reclaim the country foe God' - - is that a real legitimate doctrinal stance or is that propaganda from a worldly party seeking the allegiance of a 'church voting bloc' - and even further are people legitimately 'called by God' to impose Christian moral standards on an unbelieving citizenry?
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