Hi Light, thank you for you respectful disagreement.
I will quantify the concept I am trying to verbalise. A belief can be something one cannot act upon,
so whether you believe it or not does not affect anything about ones life.
On the other hand is the belief was the house you were is was going to collapse and you got out of
it before it happened, that is working faith. A change in outlook caused an action to take place.
So the womans faith in who Jesus was, caused her to honour Him in the way she did, that is working
faith for me. She is saved by faith, but it has consequences in her life. It is not the actions prove the
faith, rather the actions show the faith that exists already.
Put this another way, if the faith was dead, nothing would appear. If the faith is alive and working,
it will always produce results.
Jesus talked about how a seed has to die to produce life, so the word of God produces life within us.