I agree...I too was taught the same thing....we have replaced repentance for the fruit of repentance that comes after we have repented correctly and thus really watered it down and thus as usual it waters down the gospel of the grace of Christ too.
This is an interesting suggestion. This seems to be saying trying to walk righteously without repenting
is wrong. Yes. That is what the pharisees did, they had not dealt with the heart and purified it, so they
were defiled, no matter how hard they tried to be righteous.
Accepting the cross and knowing our brokenness is the first step, without which nothing else makes
sense. But brokenness only works on an open heart that can be hurt, changed, healed and touched.
Without exception, the most ardent champions of Christ has done everything, we just rest, show all
the signs of a closed off emotion, a none response to basic hurts and problems in life. Unless the
word speaks at a fundamental level, to issues that are foundational to who we are, it is just a nice
For me Christ means I am a man undone, nothing in me works or makes sense, without Him, life is not
life. To become like a child, is to wipe the slate clean, and accept I have to learn everything again.
Innocense is the simplest road to walk, and the most assured. What people think of as status is
often just worry about maintenance, a sense of being undeserved and then defending everything
against all the others who want it instead. In Christ we are loved by the King, we need nothing
else. That is repentance and following.