What we should do is consider the outcome of this "theology" and what purpose it will serve.
we already see a couple of things suggested and literally being believed and acted on (this is not accidental):
1) people believing and teaching, amazingly, that there are currently Two Covenants God is honoring.
this completely nullifies The Work of Christ in fulfilling the Law -
for some people
2) we are to skip over or downgrade 70AD where the Covenant Curses actually came down on apostate Jerusalem (apostate rabbinic Judaism etc), and the Old Covenant with all things related to it ended - no telple; no priesthood; no sarcifices...nothing.
3) The Father is willing to play two hands at once - telling Christians (jew? & gentile) through His WORD MADE FLESH - LOGOS - JESUS CHRIST there's only way to Him, through His Son...while at the very same time, expecting us to discern who is an unbelieving jew yet is one somehow protected under The Old Covenant He told christians was fulfilled.
we have the Father denying the Son's Work!
we have the specific Saviour, the very Messiah coming, yet denying Himself!
4) all of this is to be believed...for one reason -
because according to our eyes and ears, the majority of jews do not acknowledge Jesus Christ of Nazareth.....
ERGO - this MUST mean God is playing TWO HANDS AT ONCE and being duplicitous in what He Himself said THROUGH Emmanuel, which means GOD WITH US.
5) because we have come to be convinced that those who identify as jews YET do not believe are NOT cut off branches,
we have to believe something else to explain
how The Son could be denied, yet believed upon unto salvation.
6) we never ask ourselves HOW we came to be convinced God has Two Plans; Two Covenants; Two Peoples AT THE VERY SAME TIME, and that the doctrines (supposedly) would be completely at odds with one another - a completely contradictory system...making GOD supposedly at the very least unclear about His very own Plan, and Who is Son is.
7) since we no longer believe there is ONE OLIVE TREE (jew first, gentiles grafted in, no distinction)....we now wonder what exactly is it so-called-saved-but-mercifully-blinded-jews are doing....or look like or are holding to that we SHOULD uphold, emulate or excuse.....
what is the answer?
8) and yet, even without having to scratch the surface, we still
refuse to see it's not Mosaic Law at all that's held to, believed on, lived by. it's something else all together.
9) we have elevated a certain group of people, and a certain set of practices and beliefs either equal to (one people with One Covenant being honored/having salvation) or above the ONE Olive Tree our fathers KNEW was God's peoples.
so we decide christians must be a different tree.
and since all things appear to be focused and a grand peoples around whom everything revolves...we look to see what they are "doing" that God is HONORING.
we see LAWS.
10) we want to honor Israel, but we do not believe there is a Spiritual Israel - One Tree any more. we threw that notion away somewhere, and have skipped over Jesus THE Christ, Christians (jew and gentiles) HIS people....and have looked to
something else as being ACCEPTABLE to God.
11) we have been conditioned to, and as gullible children are, preparing to give up our inheritance (you who would be justified by the Law have been severed from Christ, you have fallen from Grace) and we have chosen rather to follow cunningly devised myths and fables....
12) we refuse to believe that passages such as "take hold of the skirt of one who is a jew" was fulfilled in the First Century, and we have placed in today.
the obvious result is we are looking to Talmudic Rabbinic Judaism (which was utterly condemned by Jesus Christ the Word Made Flesh) as our ROOT.
we have turned to The Pharisees themselves and denied the very Lord Jesus who bought us.
13) and
we refuse until WE ARE UNABLE to see that they have had a plan for nearly 2000 years to take by force what was taken from their Fathers and given to a people bearing the fruit of the Kingdom WHICH IS NOT OF THIS WORLD.
included in their Law (which despises and blasphemes The Very Lord Jesus Himself) is the plan to subjugate gentiles.....and say this is God's Plan after all.
and do we not see this very thing said today?
14) YET - after so much conditioning to react to guilt-transference, projection and shaming we are WILLING to deny Jesus Christ Himself before men.
we don't believe ANYTHING that's written. if we ever did, we no longer do. we only give lip service to it.
we have become the enemies of the True Gospel, and therefore the enemies of Christ Himself, who DIED ONCE for all.
no, we have chosen
some other tree. and
we refuse to talk about it....it is unmentionable:
Dual-covenant theology is a Christian view of the Old Covenant which holds that Jews may simply keep the Law of Moses, because of the "everlasting covenant" (Genesis 17:13) between Abraham and God expressed in the Hebrew Bible, whereas Gentiles (those not Jews or Jewish proselytes) must convert to Christianity
or alternatively accept the Seven Laws of Noah to be assured of a place in the World to Come.
we refuse to talk about it because we are cowardly and fearful and unlearned.
not bothering with typos or whatever.