I just posted something in the Ladies Forum but in reality it applies to everyone, male & female.
The Word tells us how Martha is overly anxious and distracted with work, being the industrious woman that she was. Her focus was solely on her tasks and her performance and she was growing exasperated. She goes to Jesus in frustration and accuses her sister Mary of not helping her and that Mary's literally doing nothing but sitting at Jesus' feet. Martha even went as far as to question whether or not Jesus even cared about her. (Read Luke 10)
That used to be me.

I used to try to measure up to something I was brainwashed into believing. There's so many books written about the Proverbs 31 woman and so many sermons are preached about how to be a true godly woman. I figured it HAD to be something I should concern myself with since so many other Christians were obsessed with it. And like Martha I worked myself up to become that so-called perfectly godly woman. Of course, I never achieved it. It was an endless struggle.
I smile now as I think how the Lord responded to Martha, and to me. (Maybe to you as well!)
Martha, Martha, you worry about too many things. But few things are needed - actually, only one. Your sister Mary has chosen what is better and I'm not going to take that from her."
What one thing did Mary chose, was my question to the Lord. "
Me," He answered.
I can hardly type this post without feeling like a child who just entered into Disneyland. My soul is so lifted up in joy knowing how kindly Jesus speaks that to us. "
Me," He says.
♥ \
Our focus drifts away from fellowship with Jesus by concentrating on our performance. We get so caught up in trying to be something "more holy", we don't even see Jesus dwelling within us, we don't hear His Voice within our hearts. We don't realize He is making us more & more into His image just by nature of being one with Him.
We don't have to worry about competing with anyone else or trying to become something else. Christ within us, the hope of glory! He gets all the glory, and we get Him! We can rest in that because we have all we need in Jesus!
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