I can only apologize if I misunderstood your position, but I am not convinced that I did, since you have repeatedly stated that I preach "half a gospel". What is key here, of which is what so many people fail to fully grasp, including you, is that Gospel + Works = False Gospel = Works Salvation. The Gospel is 100% separate from works. These are some of things that are perhaps hard to understand, most especially since so many people have been conned out of knowing that the King James Bible 1611 is the infallible and inerrant written Word of God. That is a subject that I have briefly touched on in this Forum already, and is important that I follow up with a presentation of evidence of that factual reality. You say that you do not believe in a works based salvation, and even agree that James does not teach that, but you are still confused with mixing the Gospel with works. Until you fully realize and acknowledge that Gospel + Works = False Gospel = Works Salvation, you will remain stuck. I will add that the R.C.C., JWs, S.D.A., and other groups not only have wrested the words of Apostle Paul, but they have also wrested verses from the epistle of James for the sole purpose of propagating the false works salvation gospel.
That said, I believe that with proper examination of the scriptural passages of 2Peter 2-3 & Jude, with examples of reality, we can come to a full understanding of precisely how grace is being turned into lasciviousness, including who, how, when, and where. In discussing these passages, we must also include other passages that also parallel and are panoramic to these passages, such as 1Timothy 4:1-5, 2Timothy 3 - 4:1-5, 1John, 2John, 3John, Philippians 3, and Revelation 2-3. It is vital to also grasp that these passages in no way teach that Born Again Christians, sealed by the Spirit of God cannot and will lose their salvation. On the other hand, there are many in the Churches that are not regenerated with the new birth that are at serious risk of losing out on salvation with having their names blotted out of the Book of Life. We can also tie these passages in with Matthew 24 and 2Thessalonians 2 as they all pertain and relate to the great falling away from the faith that is happening right before our eyes.