But there is evidence, hard evidence. It is just a few feet beneath us. All man's existence is there from stone age through to bronze and iron age to the present time. Hard evidence in the form of all human remains. It can be dated to less than 10, 000 years of man's existence on earth. All the tools he has developed, his weaponry, it's all there.
Evolutionists just choose to ignore it.
They have bored MILES down into the earth desperately seeking to find evidence that goes beyond the stone age but they can find none, they spend trillions of tax dollars.
They behave like the detective who finds a body in a room with a dagger in it's back and immediately rules out murder. Now he has to develop some fantastic theory as to how the body got there with a dagger in it's back, by ruling out murder the possibilities are endless and fantastic.
There is also soft evidence.
In the 17th century there were just 5 million people living in Great Britain, in 1066 at the time of the conquest there were less than 1 million. This is the same in every other nation. Today there are nearly 80 million living in Britain. So by a process of reverse multiplication it is plain to see that mankind has descended from just 2 people and spread out all over the world from one central place ... they say Africa, I believe the Middle East.
These are hard facts.
Evolutionists just choose to ignore it.
They have bored MILES down into the earth desperately seeking to find evidence that goes beyond the stone age but they can find none, they spend trillions of tax dollars.
They behave like the detective who finds a body in a room with a dagger in it's back and immediately rules out murder. Now he has to develop some fantastic theory as to how the body got there with a dagger in it's back, by ruling out murder the possibilities are endless and fantastic.
There is also soft evidence.
In the 17th century there were just 5 million people living in Great Britain, in 1066 at the time of the conquest there were less than 1 million. This is the same in every other nation. Today there are nearly 80 million living in Britain. So by a process of reverse multiplication it is plain to see that mankind has descended from just 2 people and spread out all over the world from one central place ... they say Africa, I believe the Middle East.
These are hard facts.
Could it be that it is people like you who are choosing to ignore the evidence?
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