When did man aquire a soul? Fish stage? Monkey stage? Pretty simple question.
Body + Breath = Living Soul
Bulb + Current = Shining Light
At death, the breath of God returns to Him, the body returns to dust, and the living soul dies aka "ceases to exist" just as the removal of the current from the bulb causes the light to cease to exist. The living soul doesn't continue to exist on another plane of existence any more than the light continues to shine on another plane of existence:Body - Breath = Soul ceases to exist
Bulb - Current = Light ceases to exist
This is why Paul put everything on the Resurrection: he told us to hope in it, to rejoice in it, and to comfort one another with reminders of it and not once did he entertain for us any ideas about the dead already existing joyfully in heaven or burning in hell until then. I can almost here people reading this and yelling: "The Rich Man and Lazarus!" "Absent from body/Present with the Lord!" "...torment ascendeth up forever and ever!" "...where the fire is not quenched!" ...or any other supposed "proof texts".
Bring it on, folks
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