i am definitely interested should you choose to share more of your views.
God Bless!
Ok well, I was just wrestling with the idea that interpreting a "tongue" can be as unique as a person's "personal" language. I mean what you feel when you hear your favorite worship song...can you put that into words "really"... how music affects everyone in different ways that aren't really translatable "mostly". Not what pentecostal/charismatic believers define as tongues. I don't get that and just like being slain in the spirit...I've been around other people that have experienced these things and witnessed them but it seems God doesn't work that way with me so I press on with how I believe he has and does.
I've had many experiences where I talked to someone where no one ever "got them" or understood what they were trying to get across and I have a gift of understanding certain people that goes far beyond simple psychology at times. It's like the Spirit within them is saying something to me and I can interpret for them...articulate it...and it's pretty neat.
Imagine a stroke victim or someone with a serious mental handicap that affects their speech...they need an interpreter for their "tongue" and I sometimes can just tell what they are saying. This element may just be a natural gifting since caregivers and people that work with special needs have that aptitude also but I've definitely had moments where I'm pretty confident it's the Lord supernaturally (beyond what I would normally be able to do). I credit him for natural giftings as well so it gets a bit puzzling to try and separate the two.
I just know that sometimes it's something extra and it's for a particular spiritual purpose and the times where it's just helping a person communicate with somewhat humdrum results, I still see the Lord in that too...it's just "less".
Sort of like creation testifying of him...is that a direct work of the Holy Spirit or an indirect auxiliary process? It can still function the same way depending on the situation.
Grrr, I'd like to be a bit clearer on direct vs indirect but it'd take some time to be succinct (shortcoming of mine sometimes) but the main point was "what is a tongue" and how people ONLY seem to see two options...either a different earthly language (English, Spanish, Chinese, Greek, etc) or a heavenly language.
Each of us have a unique language on the deepest level. Even the heavens have a language...
day unto day they uttereth speech...
Obviously the latter is beside the point but in my own roundabout way a lot of things interlock to make things that are mysterious and puzzling make a bit more sense. They do in my own mind at least