Thanks for the response.
There are different views as to spiritual birth. Some suggest we are dead in our spirits and the
Lord gives us life. Other suggest an eternal spirit is given to our mortal bodies from heaven, and
we become eternal spirits. Some suggest the spirit is the real person while the flesh is our sinful
element, our spiritual side being perfect, holy and pure and our flesh being sinful and lost.
I would say our spirit soul and flesh is given new life, and as a whole we are a new creation.
We are not eternal, still mortal, but will not suffer from the second death.
The why is significant. Some say it is immediately we assent or accept Jesus is the Son of God
and died for our sins. There is no repentance or commitment to walk in the ways of God, just this
realisation of Jesus. So if the why happens for all people who come forward at a evangelistic
meeting, then all are eternally saved from then on. But statistically this means heaven is full of
failed believers, as few go on to join churches and are still following Jesus 5 years later.
Others have suggested people such as myself, by saying people can know Jesus and then turn
away are not saved at all, because only those who believe one cannot be lost are truly saved.
But this then means a theological question when one comes to faith, validates the experience or
stops it, which to me is an absurd idea.
Because of the above conclusions, only after a reasonable period can you say what has really
taken hold and what was just superficial. I therefore cannot accept the eternal spirit view because
it does not reflect what is actually going on and is simply not in scripture.
There are different views as to spiritual birth. Some suggest we are dead in our spirits and the
Lord gives us life. Other suggest an eternal spirit is given to our mortal bodies from heaven, and
we become eternal spirits. Some suggest the spirit is the real person while the flesh is our sinful
element, our spiritual side being perfect, holy and pure and our flesh being sinful and lost.
I would say our spirit soul and flesh is given new life, and as a whole we are a new creation.
We are not eternal, still mortal, but will not suffer from the second death.
The why is significant. Some say it is immediately we assent or accept Jesus is the Son of God
and died for our sins. There is no repentance or commitment to walk in the ways of God, just this
realisation of Jesus. So if the why happens for all people who come forward at a evangelistic
meeting, then all are eternally saved from then on. But statistically this means heaven is full of
failed believers, as few go on to join churches and are still following Jesus 5 years later.
Others have suggested people such as myself, by saying people can know Jesus and then turn
away are not saved at all, because only those who believe one cannot be lost are truly saved.
But this then means a theological question when one comes to faith, validates the experience or
stops it, which to me is an absurd idea.
Because of the above conclusions, only after a reasonable period can you say what has really
taken hold and what was just superficial. I therefore cannot accept the eternal spirit view because
it does not reflect what is actually going on and is simply not in scripture.
King James Version
7 Because the carnal mind [is] enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
10 And if Christ [be] in you, the body [is] dead because of sin; but the Spirit [is] life because of righteousness.
My view on spiritual rebirth and It's just opinion and hopefully If I'm wrong someone don't let me remain In error but I think the spirit that all men have at Natural birth gives life to the body but upon rebirth GOD gives them a BRAND new spirit that was created by GOD.GOD sealed us AND equipped us with desire AND fruit of the Spirit,JESUS the vine and we,the branches, members of the body receiving sustenance from the VINE displaying spiritual fruit establishing the law,then we should present our bodies a living sacrifice which Is a reasonable thing to do.
I believe before GOD did a work,the old man was alive but after GOD did a work In us the old man died and I don't believe the old man can slowly come back to life.
I believe that once a person believes they cannot stop believing,If a color Is red,how can someone tell you It's now blue when you ALREADY know It's red.
Some things are not clearly written In scripture that a person can see right away but they are received line upon line,precept upon precept,here a little,there a little.
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