This is not true. Did not God say HE would not destroy the city if there was 10 righteous in it? This is the problem , we make God unreasonable to justify the sin we like to do. Fornicators , drunker and homosexuals etc.. do these things because they like it.
The Bible is clear there is pleasure in sin but for a season. And God was continually over and over we see Him sending the call to repent. It was only after God saw they would not change HE Judged them. Now we have Jesus and God is still calling people to repent. But those who do not answer the call and reject the Holy Spirit Roman 1 is clear they know right from wrong but they did not accept the truth and now hold the truth hostage. And become self-deceived and believe a lie. Finally, God turns them over to the very thing they desire. Roman chapter one is very clear.
The issue is today many churches due to PC have openly embraced the sin with the sinner. Jesus never did that He saved the Sinner and gave victory over the sin.