The end of the 490 years marked the end of the 'Times of the Jews' and the start of the 'Times of the Gentiles'.
Nope. = )
Many people assume, as you are assuming here, that the phrase "the Times of the Gentiles" refers to [something equivalent to saying] the Church age (i.e. after the Cross) when the Gentiles were able to be included in the faith, in the first century (or however you wanna put it).
But that is not what the phrase "the Times of the Gentiles" is referring to.
Instead, "the Times of the Gentiles" refers to Gentile domination over Israel, starting back in 606bc with Neb's "dream / statue / image" (with Neb as "head of gold"), and which will not be concluded until the end of the future tribulation period [7 yrs] at the time of Christ's Second Coming to the earth (Rev19; Matt24:29-31; Dan2:35c; Dan7:[25,]27;
and where Rom11:26-27 [re: Israel, future] connects with both Isa27:9,12-13[/Matt24:29-31] and the timing-prophecy of Daniel 9:24[,25-27] which is explicitly stated in that passage to be "[_____ (timing issue)] are determined upon THY [Daniel's] people, and upon THY [Daniel's] holy city").
This ^ is WHY it is important to notice
that Daniel 9:25-27 is written SEQUENTIALLY.
That is, that the
(1) "shall Messiah
be CUT OFF" comes first in the sequence; then...
(2) "
the people OF the prince THAT SHALL COME [/COMING]
shall destroy the city and the sanctuary" comes next in the sequence (i.e. 70ad events; Jesus spoke of this in Lk19:41-44 [said ON what we call Palm Sunday], in Matt24:2/Mk13:2/Lk21:6, as well as in Matt22:7); then...
(3) what comes NEXT sequentially in the Dan9:25-27 [time-]prophecy is, "[re: 'the prince THAT
he shall confirm the covenant with the many
FOR ONE WEEK" (note: Jesus did not "confirm the covenant with the many FOR ONE WEEK"--and the "69 Weeks" [total] concluded on the very day that He
SAID what He said on Palm Sunday, in Lk19:41-44 [re: "the city / Jerusalem"] and
DID what He did on Palm Sunday [i.e. Zech9:9 "thy king cometh
unto thee [re: "unto Jerusalem / the city"]"--BOTH matters having to do with "THY [Daniel's] people and...
THY holy city [/Jerusalem]"... the Subject matter of the TIMING-PROPHECY in Dan9:24-27); then...
(4) what concludes the whole timing-prophecy (Dan9:24-27) is Christ's Second Coming
to the earth, putting an END to the Jerusalem being "TRODDEN-DOWN / TRODDEN-UNDER-FOOT OF the Gentiles" (i.e. Gentile domination over Israel [Neb as "head of gold" and all following that is connected with that "head"], aka "the
TIMES of the Gentiles [be fulfilled]," under present discussion... which is
a distinct matter from that of the phrase "[UNTIL] the
FULNESS of the Gentiles [be come in - G1525]" [i.e. involving the "blindness [/a hardening]... UNTIL...]" / of Israel... a
distinct timing matter from that of the other.)
Again, because Daniel 9:
24 [part of the 'timing-prophecy']
connects with both Romans 11:
26-27 and Isaiah 27:
12-13[/Matt24:29-31], this shows that it DOES extend to the "future" (to us) time-frame... Unless you want to agree with the Full Preterists that say Matt24:29-31 already took place in the first century (surrounding the 70ad events

Uh, no.)
= )