they scold us about not following the thread, not reading their posts, etc......... yet they ignore everytime we talk about sin, and we take it serious, and true believers will lead a Godly lifestyle...........
they only want to lecture and brag about their ( self ) righteousness.
What is confusing is some believe they no longer need to repent, confess and feel sorrow for
sin to any degree after coming to faith.
They then claim they take sin seriously while declaring they sin daily and in innumerable ways
which they are aware of and do nothing about.
It might suggest the two positions are not adding up at all, and they are lying, saying one thing
and doing another. But once you accept you lie, why not make it really worthwhile, a wopper.
What is even more enlightening is how they lie continually about what others are saying, even
when it is written right infront of them. It is like their brains are just wired up wrong and they
do not see or read what is being said. Like some will say we believe 99% of the same theology
and then say we have no clue what they believe. Well if you agree on 99% it is pretty much
identitical. But to say that is to make them unsaved, unbelievers doomed to hell, which they
will rarely admit their opponents are.
This strikes me as compartmentalised thinking, where each argument exists by itself but does
not actually link up with the whole, so they can say opposite things within a few sentences
and not realise it.
A classic is we are saved by Christ alone and we do nothing, except choose Christ or reject Him
which would make us guilty and worthy of hell, as sin has been removed from salvation issues,
but we still take sin seriously.
Or you are saved by believing in Christ for the forgiveness of sins, but if you limit this to passed
sin, that is unbelief therefore not real faith, so you are not saved.
You did read this caviate in scripture didn't you? No. Well there is always a queue at the pearly
gates for fraudantly given salvation promises, which are cancelled because constraints were applied.
The fact they even talk like this shows me they do not know Christ. This is just legalists guilt
playing havoc with their ideas about God, with no relationship and love to put it into perspective.