Off script once more.
I have started to think that we may hold the same understanding on the topic of the Law. Before any tells me how wrong I am I wish you to think about this post.
As the last 2 off script post were on the Fest, and the Offerings/sacrifices. Today I am going to talk about the Temple. I know there will a lot of people saying how wrong I am to speak of this, and some will not even get this fare in reading it. For you that have I thank you.
When we think of the Temple services most only see the sacrifices, incenses, and what they have read or heard. NOt many go past this to see what we find. However even the building is a testament to Yeshua, and the way to salvation. (Wish I knew how to post a pick of the temple on here it would help.) As we know, the Temple had only way in. By all accounts, it doesn't seem that big. Oh I am sure that from I have seen, (the model in the Temple Institute in Jerusalem.) You can maybe get 2 or 3 people through the gate standing side by side.
Anywho, we first see the gate that leads to the womens court. As I have said before, enter by gentiles is not permitted. The reason for a dived between women and men is thought to be that that men may sin when looking at a women. Even today, many men do look on a women and think impure thoughts. If this is the real reason we will only know when we get to ask HaShem. Though it does seem to fit with much of what we read. Like how Yeshua tells us that to look on a women with lust in our hearts is sin.
Next we find the gate to the alter. Keep in mind this all in a straight line. The alter as we should know, is a shadow of the sacrifice Yeshua made for all us. The blood that is sprinkled on the alter, the killing of the sacrifice, if it was that form of sacrifice. Right down to the cleaning of the alter, all show us something.
Lets take a look and see what we find here.
The sacrifice is a shadow of Yeshua, and his willingly giving His life for us all. we find it sad that knowing this, some with to say He was killed by the Jewish people, others say it was the Romens. In all truth I don't see it as anyone killing Him. After all Yeshua did say,
Jhn 10:18No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
That's all I need to know, his words are clear.
The same is true of any sacrifice ever given o the alter. It had to be done willingly, and out of love.
Next we see the entryway into the Holy place. This is not the same as the Holy of Holy's. As we know, the priest is to keep the menorah burning day and night. It didn't need to be the High Priest, any priest from the line of Aaron, that had been annotated, and washed can do this.
Next in line would the alter of Incense. Although only the High priest was to burn the incense, it was not in the Holy of Holy's, rather right in front of the curtain. It was always cleaned after use,.
Next if we were to look past the the inter curtain, we would see the Mercy Seat. Also know as the throne of HaShem.
So what do we learn from this? We can see the vary plan of salvation laid out before us. Yet many simply wish to think it holds nothing for us.
To this day, we understand that the path to salvation is seen as a narrow path and not many will find it. As Yeshua said
Mat 7:14Because strait
is the gate, and narrow
is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
As we know, life and salvation can be interchangeable. Just as Law, commandment, and Torah can be. Much as I have came to think that the wording Under the law, is also interchangeable with the idea of not being under it's condemnation. I do thank you all for bring that though to mind. As it will be the topic of our next study. No not on here sorry.
In the temple time, and yes I think both had this problem, something changed. Was it the Law, or was it the heart of man? As we know full well HaShem doesn't change, if He had, He would have made that clear to us. Yet He told us.
Mal 3:6For I
am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
Now I was once told I simply don't understand this passage, yet not once has anyone ever offered up any thing at all as to a different understanding. It is after all stated clearly that He doesn't change. Also we can look at,
Heb 13:8Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
For us that see Yeshua and HaShem as the same it is clear that if they don't change, nothing they set down changes. Even as the Temple gives us a clear pitcher of salvation, the Law makes it clear how we should live. As love is the basses of the Law, why would say don't even try to follow it. After all we know that to setp out side of the law brings condemnation on us. As I have said many times, none of us can live it out in perfection. Yet to try and set it aside and say don't ever try to follow it. leads one to think that it has no place in our lives. Yet it does.
When you see sin, you know what it is, and sin isn't a thing at all if there is no law to say, "Hay stop that it's sinful." This is why we were given the Law, to show us the sin in our lives.
Rom 3:20Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law
is the knowledge of sin.
Now back to the law being Love. Though it has been debated, some saying it wasn't and others saying it is. The sacrifices were intended to be given out of love, and respect. Just as we should also show our love and respect of HaShem by walking in all that He has commanded us. To remove His law may be compared to mutiny. Although that may not be as accurate as others may come up with it most likely will hold the same meaning.
Just the Temple may not give the symbolism to others, there is little that can be said that makes this understanding faults. If there is anything at all.