So you think it’s okay to separate children from their parents because you are afraid of meeting them?
You think Jesus would have thought that way?
Matthew 25:36-40
36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
I don’t care if the Democrats made the cages, Trump made it worse. If I was a kid I would rather be in hell with my parents then be taken to a different hell ALONE.
No, I am not Canadian. Funny you draw such quick conclusions. I am from Europe. We had the biggest immigrant crisis a few years back. I don’t agree with all the things we did, but at least we didn’t separated kids from their parents, causing damage to their mental health that will hold for years or even their entire life!
You're not an American but you clearly follow the Left wing bias reporting of the MSM. (Main Stream Media)
In point of fact what you call separating children from their parents is a matter of law!
In America we do not put vulnerable children into an adult jail system where they'll be at risk to the predators there. We separate children from parents under arrest and in the company of their minor children in the case of any legal infraction wherein said parent is taken into custody by authorities. And this for the child's personal safety.
Claiming that you don't care the Democrats made the cages but Trump made it worse is just dodging the responsibility you believe where the outrage over such policies should fall and because you're predisposed to bias in favor of the Democratic party. Even though you don't live here, and have no idea of the Democratic party history.
I think you're raging against Trump and pleading the Democratic party side because you are pleased to instigate what you believe is upset.
Where did Jesus do that in the scriptures?
Where did Jesus say the law of man doesn't matter if someone is a foreigner invading a nation?
That scripture you quoted is not in context with illegal trespass into this nation. And in point of fact, if you read the scriptures you'll find that God destroyed foreign people whom he deemed a threat to his chosen Israel.
I so tire of foreigners who don't live in America casting aspersions and vitriol against our policies as pertain to, in this case illegal entry and occupation of our country, when they should relegate themselves to what their own country is doing in that regard. And asking them to tolerate while doing it.
If you don't like that America implements policies to stop illegal entry into our country, because entry into any country is not a right but a privilege, it is a good thing you don't live here and have to tolerate what unfolds as illegals multiply daily through illegal entry and through procreation while taking advantage of our so desperately needed amending, 14th amendment.
BTW, interesting Agaric mushroom in your profile pic.