Jesus is the Creator. All things were made by Him and for Him. Col 1:16
It is Jesus who declared the flesh of certain animals to be unclean.
It was Jesus who taught Adam how to sacrifice, there would have been a lot of blood on the grass that day when God made coverings for them from the skins of animals. Gen 3:21 Without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sins. Heb 9:22
Adam taught his sons, Cain and Abel how to sacrifice. They knew what God required for a sin offering, an unblemished lamb (to represent the true lamb of God). Do not for a moment think that an unblemished young pig would have been an acceptable sacrifice. Certain animals were unclean, therefore unfit, Noah knew what was acceptable for sacrifice. Gen 8:20
This is the reality, animals were from the beginning of creation designated clean or unclean, thus a reality for ever. Lev 11:46
The bible uses the expression, 'every unclean and hateful bird' Rev 18:2 to describe the present and future condition of Babylon from which He is calling some of His people to come out of. Apparently these birds were not cleansed by Jesus as is insisted by some in Luke 7:19. Jesus has some of His people in this unclean birdcage and He is calling them out of her, they are His people but they are involved with the counterfeit teachings of Babylon, they cannot yet discern clean from unclean.
It was the pharisees who put forward their belief that the disciples were eating with 'impure hands' consequently thereby defiling themselves. Matt 15:1
Jesus answered this with His conclusion," but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man". vs 20 Case closed.
Unfortunately there are those who make other conclusions. They take the explanations of Jesus to mean something He was not even talking about (clean and unclean meats)
The disciples never concluded what some do, how else to explain the horror in Peter's voice in Acts 10, "Not so Lord! I have never eaten anything common or unclean", isn't it because Jesus never taught about cleansing the unclean to Peter? Matt 15:15
Faulty reasoning's lead to faulty conclusions.
Except by the Holy Spirit many will never understand. Stop eating the unclean and you will be in a better position to discern
the truth of the matter.
It is Jesus who declared the flesh of certain animals to be unclean.
It was Jesus who taught Adam how to sacrifice, there would have been a lot of blood on the grass that day when God made coverings for them from the skins of animals. Gen 3:21 Without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sins. Heb 9:22
Adam taught his sons, Cain and Abel how to sacrifice. They knew what God required for a sin offering, an unblemished lamb (to represent the true lamb of God). Do not for a moment think that an unblemished young pig would have been an acceptable sacrifice. Certain animals were unclean, therefore unfit, Noah knew what was acceptable for sacrifice. Gen 8:20
This is the reality, animals were from the beginning of creation designated clean or unclean, thus a reality for ever. Lev 11:46
The bible uses the expression, 'every unclean and hateful bird' Rev 18:2 to describe the present and future condition of Babylon from which He is calling some of His people to come out of. Apparently these birds were not cleansed by Jesus as is insisted by some in Luke 7:19. Jesus has some of His people in this unclean birdcage and He is calling them out of her, they are His people but they are involved with the counterfeit teachings of Babylon, they cannot yet discern clean from unclean.
It was the pharisees who put forward their belief that the disciples were eating with 'impure hands' consequently thereby defiling themselves. Matt 15:1
Jesus answered this with His conclusion," but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man". vs 20 Case closed.
Unfortunately there are those who make other conclusions. They take the explanations of Jesus to mean something He was not even talking about (clean and unclean meats)
The disciples never concluded what some do, how else to explain the horror in Peter's voice in Acts 10, "Not so Lord! I have never eaten anything common or unclean", isn't it because Jesus never taught about cleansing the unclean to Peter? Matt 15:15
Faulty reasoning's lead to faulty conclusions.
Except by the Holy Spirit many will never understand. Stop eating the unclean and you will be in a better position to discern
the truth of the matter.