Thank you. It dosn't get much better than that. I think the sabbath (only) keepers, are actually cheating God out of 6 days a week.
However, I do not think they have a leg to stand on to ridicule people who believe God blessed the seventh day saying it is cheating God. No where in scripture does it tells us God took this blessing away from the seventh day. The ten commandments have been updated by the Lord when they were given to us in our hearts, but it is still true that the commandments are of love. Keeping the Sabbath as God blessed it for us is certainly related to love of the Lord. There is no where in scripture that tells us God changed the day God blessed. There is no where that God tells us that He takes back that He made man to work six days and rest on a seventh. Yet post after post goes on and on about people who believe these scriptures. It is not right for them to do that. They are trying to stand in the way that some people believe it is right to worship. They are trying to tear down fellow Christians, not uphold them.
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