Hi Dan, I believe you are correct, the RCC would never say that the Scriptures are corrupt, because they make extensive use of the Bible to demonstrate that all of their "traditional" beliefs are from God, even their doctrines/dogmas which stand in stark opposition to God's word, such as Mary being an "immaculate conception" like her Son Jesus, ~the~ Immaculate Conception, was.
What the RCC teaches about the Christian faith is far and away correct (85-90% of it anyway), but when they bend the Scriptures, in an attempt to make them say what they need them to say to support their various non-Biblical doctrines (like the one I just mentioned above), they get things VERY wrong, unfortunately

So, while the RCC would never say that the Scriptures are corrupt, they do, in fact, corrupt the Scriptures themselves in such cases, just like the the Jews did with their oral "Traditions" (their "Oral Torah", as they call it). As the Lord pointed out however, the Jews
nullified/invalidated the word of God for the sake of their "Tradition" .. e.g.
Matthew 15:4-6.
It should also be pointed out that as important as the oral traditions were to the Jews in Jesus' day, He never cited Jewish traditional beliefs as evidence that His teachings were from God. Rather, He always said, "
it is written"
(or He made some other similar statement), citing the written OT as His proof instead.